Case Studies

Slope Stabilisation Design

Case Study Photo
Case Study Photo
Case Study Photo

Dawlish Road Failure, Devon

Red Rock undertook the stabilisation design of a section of failing slope affecting a public road.

The site comprised a 15m long section of a steep slope bewlow a public road, between 3.5m to 5.5m in height, descending to a private lane at the rear of a residential property.  The failure was attributed to a burst water pipe.

The stabilisation of the embankment required 3-5 rows of 2-4m long soil nails to Eurocode requirements and geo composite mesh of high tensile wire and erosion matting to reduce further spalling of the Head deposits.  The design accounted for the presence of many underground services which needed to be avoided during the installation of the anchors.

The stabilisation works were undertaken by Vertical Technology Limited.

The Gobbins Coastal Walkway

For the last few years Red Rock Geo have been Geotechnical consultants to Mid and East Antrim Borough Council leading the works to reopen the Gobbins Coastal Walkway in Northern Ireland.

Fort Bovisand Redevelopment

Red Rock have been geotechnical consultants for the £14m redevelopment of the historic Victorian fort of Fort Bovisand lying on the eastern approaches to Plymouth Sound.